Cheryl Ries

These entries represent prior writings and posts. I have more recent blog entries at!


The Unfamiliar Path . .

October 18, 2010
You know, you can have your whole way known, your whole life pointed in certain directions, but things can happen which change those courses without your permission as it were.  Suddenly, your pathway isn't the familiar one you were just traveling.  You are pushed into an area of discomfort and fear, all the way around you is cast with a pall of something foreign to you.  

What do you do when you don't recognize your way?  How do you know what to do and how to proceed?  I've found those places this year or so, it is a fearful journey if I let myself feel it.  I've struggled against the current, fighting to swim as hard as I could, but realizing, it is like a rip tide, I'm not able to fight it . . . I can only ride it out and recover from wherever it takes me.  To be on this ride is to be washed out to sea on a rip tide.  It is a battle, exhaustive and frightening.  It is not the worst thing people have experienced surely, but it is one of the worst times I have known.  I'm confronting things I haven't had to confront as a "mature" adult . . . insecurity, lack of confidence, doubt, fear.  All those conveniently coming at the same time as this major challenge to further make things difficult.  It has been a bit of a struggle some days.  I don't recognize the fighter I was, for the "adolescent" who now feels all those same tumultuous emotions of youth again.  It is to bring a woman who knows herself to a point of being a stranger before her own eyes.  

So, in that bleak place, how do I keep my faith?  That too has been a struggle at times.  I wish I were made of metal, hard and perfectly strong, but I weaken at times.  Life is like that.  We move and then we survey our progress.  We move some more and then we survey again.  We very rarely do as we did when we are younger, which is just move and move and move, and maybe some day, survey!  We are much more cautious generally as we age.  It is our nature to know the cost of our actions, versus the insolent youth who seem to defy the knowledge that life is not a constant.  We seem to need more caution when we just live, as we also find our faith less blind as when we were children, since as adults, it is more aware of life's inevitable truth . . . bad things happen to good people.  But there are also lessons we hopefully learn as we age, about our struggles, which can define our ability to ride the tide calmly to our new destination.  Those lessons are that even in the bad there is something we can know of good, positive and which teaches us for the future to come.  It makes us better.  Well, most don't like this, but it is true and it is good for us, like our vegetables! 

Another lesson concerns faith.  Without it, I would be and have nothing.  I would surely have given up on this world a long time ago had I nothing to believe in and if I didn't have my sense that a greater power carried me during those times, like now, when I am not so sure of my own abilities.  Faith abides in me, it is my constant learning curve in life to be riding out the troubles I am in by believing God will make them all for my good one day.  Now it's surely not an easy nor constantly abundant resource within me, but with the Word to ignite me daily, I can restore and renew the Spirit within me which keeps the torch of faith burning, much like a symbol of hope from within my own self, to inspire me to fight the good fight, keep my head held high, to cast my cares upon He who loves me unfailingly and wants my life to be joyful. That may not always mean He wants me to have what I thought I should, and that may mean sometimes I must learn a lesson or six about something which helps to shape me into a better human, but it also most surely means that I am in great and abiding care!

So the lesson I can pass on is this:  through the storms are made the better sailors.  God is our ultimate captain, helping us find our way, leading us back when we get lost and enabling us to discover, in the world and ourselves, the humanity He encourages us all to find.  Greater is He who is in me, than he who is in the world.  Believe the God who designed you will help you find your way, He is more powerful than any force which mankind, or otherwise, has designed to destroy you, distract you, and to deny you from your true potential!

Hopeless or Hopeful

October 16, 2010
Are you always left to wonder, hopeless or hopeful romantic?  We live in a world, where, by the nature of our lifestyles - the busy way we proceed through our days, we are often hitting and missing the mark with one another . . . love is left stranded and abandoned on the rocky shore, battered by the waves, we are beaten down.  We search, we seek, we hope, we wait. We give and expect, until we think, surely there is nothing worth giving and waiting for.  Just when we think we will find love, ...
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It's in The Simple Moments

October 13, 2010
It is in the simplest moments when our lives are truly definable.  We can either find our peace, by finding our joy, our spirit's contentment, our live's fulfillment . . .or we can deny ourselves all of this by living as slaves to time, to modern society's expectations upon our lives, and by forgetting to stop along our daily pathways to just be.

Just by being in our lives, we can heal many holes which can rip us apart.  We are not victims unless we allow ourselves to be defined that way.  We ...
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Remarkable Days

October 10, 2010
We know these days, the ones which each year stand out and become our most hoped for days!  I'll call them remarkable, but in truth, all of our days should be remarkable!  For us to not label our days this way, each and every one, we cheat ourselves of our precious time.  We have only what number we were promised when we were designed by our Father.  From our first to our last, we decide how and what becomes our legacy of days.
This day, 10/10/10 is only going to happen once.  We with our mor...
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Let the Fun Shine

October 10, 2010
Let your sun shine, let the fun shine . . . be your joyful self, let the joy within you out, let your inner child reign!

I realize that as adults, we are all inundated with adult dilemmas.  We are overcome by problems, situations, a world plagued by worries and doubts, troubles and tribulations.  Where does that leave us these days?  We are often unable to find our own sweet natural smiles.  How many days do we walk under a dark dreary cloud, not able to muster a smile, nor to enjoy our lives?...
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Modern Technology . . . Pratfalls and Stumbles

October 7, 2010
AY YI YI . . . that's where this story begins!  I am a proclaimed technophobe.  There is nothing which scares me more than the premise of this box called the computer and all the pratfalls and traps, stumbles and mistakes it enables me to make in the name of progress into the 21st century.  It is my nemesis, my friend, my companion, and my biggest black hole of uncertainty.  It breaks, I go nuts.  It breaks, I go nuts, and it breaks, I go nuts!

Today, after doing without the laptop for about a...
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You've Got Mail

October 5, 2010
A classic to me, that movie, "You've Got Mail".  I enjoy the interaction of the characters played by Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks.  It's romantic, simple and lovely.  Two people defy the odds of life, they fall in love despite themselves, with all their animous, they are "meant to be".  Are two people really meant to be?

Well, I guess that depends who you ask.  If you ask a romantic, positive-thinking person such as myself, then the answer is an unequivocable YES!  People aren't limited by love's ra...
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The Fabric of Our Lives

October 1, 2010
You've all heard this little jingle, at least in America, that the fabric of our live is cotton.  Well, I say, the fabric of our lives is love.  It has been and always will be the binding tie which connects us all.  We are all united by humanity, which is a byproduct of love.  Love is the seed of all creation, whether or not your birth can be a recognizable as the personification of something loving or a result of something less noble, such as an act of lust between two strangers, or even sci...
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Learning As I Go

September 30, 2010
Life's a series of lessons, learned as we live, not known beforehand.  They're sometimes scoldings, sometimes they are trophies, awards, and accolades for "jobs well done".  Mostly life lessons are an uncertainty, a way to evolve through the knowledge, discipline, experience, and time, which will all help to form the final form which makes up you.  Life is a way to become more than you started out being, and if you're fortunate, you take your lessons and make the later versions of "you" new a...
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The Sea of Life

September 28, 2010

Life is like a sea, sometimes we are on top of the waves, feeling like surfers tackling our problems and making headway with a big grin for all the success we feel. Other times, the waves are complacent little bobs of nothingness,which although still slight swellings responsible for some motion, which barely take us anywhere and we end up feeling stagnant, like we're stuck. Then every now and then, we get those tsunamis, sometimes even in clusters of multiples, which not only scare us, but ta...

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About Me

Cheryl Ries I'm Cheryl, and this is my own website home. I've been told since I was a child that I was talented at writing, yet I never took it to heart. I floundered about my entire life, wondering what gifts I had to share with the world. Now, at this stage of the game, I've come to realize that I might have had indications from the earliest years. After many years in several different roles, including retail sales and management, modeling, and entrepreneurial activities, I've decided to let my creative energy flow through my virtual pen, onto the screen's page and this site's blog page. Most recently, I've taken my blogging to I'm also in the process of writing, some projects are ready for publication and some have already been published; a few ideas are in various stages of development. Those should be coming to come to fruition very soon! It's an exciting and stimulating time ahead, and this website encourages me to go for it with gusto! So, other than knowing that I'm female, from the desert southwest of the USA and the product of a very stable, happy family life . . . what else would you like to know? More to come on the pages of this website . . . ciao and have a great day!! Cheryl Ries


The Unfamiliar Path . .

October 18, 2010
You know, you can have your whole way known, your whole life pointed in certain directions, but things can happen which change those courses without your permission as it were.  Suddenly, your pathway isn't the familiar one you were just traveling.  You are pushed into an area of discomfort and fear, all the way around you is cast with a pall of something foreign to you.  

What do you do when you don't recognize your way?  How do you know what to do and how to proceed?  I've found those places this year or so, it is a fearful journey if I let myself feel it.  I've struggled against the current, fighting to swim as hard as I could, but realizing, it is like a rip tide, I'm not able to fight it . . . I can only ride it out and recover from wherever it takes me.  To be on this ride is to be washed out to sea on a rip tide.  It is a battle, exhaustive and frightening.  It is not the worst thing people have experienced surely, but it is one of the worst times I have known.  I'm confronting things I haven't had to confront as a "mature" adult . . . insecurity, lack of confidence, doubt, fear.  All those conveniently coming at the same time as this major challenge to further make things difficult.  It has been a bit of a struggle some days.  I don't recognize the fighter I was, for the "adolescent" who now feels all those same tumultuous emotions of youth again.  It is to bring a woman who knows herself to a point of being a stranger before her own eyes.  

So, in that bleak place, how do I keep my faith?  That too has been a struggle at times.  I wish I were made of metal, hard and perfectly strong, but I weaken at times.  Life is like that.  We move and then we survey our progress.  We move some more and then we survey again.  We very rarely do as we did when we are younger, which is just move and move and move, and maybe some day, survey!  We are much more cautious generally as we age.  It is our nature to know the cost of our actions, versus the insolent youth who seem to defy the knowledge that life is not a constant.  We seem to need more caution when we just live, as we also find our faith less blind as when we were children, since as adults, it is more aware of life's inevitable truth . . . bad things happen to good people.  But there are also lessons we hopefully learn as we age, about our struggles, which can define our ability to ride the tide calmly to our new destination.  Those lessons are that even in the bad there is something we can know of good, positive and which teaches us for the future to come.  It makes us better.  Well, most don't like this, but it is true and it is good for us, like our vegetables! 

Another lesson concerns faith.  Without it, I would be and have nothing.  I would surely have given up on this world a long time ago had I nothing to believe in and if I didn't have my sense that a greater power carried me during those times, like now, when I am not so sure of my own abilities.  Faith abides in me, it is my constant learning curve in life to be riding out the troubles I am in by believing God will make them all for my good one day.  Now it's surely not an easy nor constantly abundant resource within me, but with the Word to ignite me daily, I can restore and renew the Spirit within me which keeps the torch of faith burning, much like a symbol of hope from within my own self, to inspire me to fight the good fight, keep my head held high, to cast my cares upon He who loves me unfailingly and wants my life to be joyful. That may not always mean He wants me to have what I thought I should, and that may mean sometimes I must learn a lesson or six about something which helps to shape me into a better human, but it also most surely means that I am in great and abiding care!

So the lesson I can pass on is this:  through the storms are made the better sailors.  God is our ultimate captain, helping us find our way, leading us back when we get lost and enabling us to discover, in the world and ourselves, the humanity He encourages us all to find.  Greater is He who is in me, than he who is in the world.  Believe the God who designed you will help you find your way, He is more powerful than any force which mankind, or otherwise, has designed to destroy you, distract you, and to deny you from your true potential!

Hopeless or Hopeful

October 16, 2010
Are you always left to wonder, hopeless or hopeful romantic?  We live in a world, where, by the nature of our lifestyles - the busy way we proceed through our days, we are often hitting and missing the mark with one another . . . love is left stranded and abandoned on the rocky shore, battered by the waves, we are beaten down.  We search, we seek, we hope, we wait. We give and expect, until we think, surely there is nothing worth giving and waiting for.  Just when we think we will find love, ...
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It's in The Simple Moments

October 13, 2010
It is in the simplest moments when our lives are truly definable.  We can either find our peace, by finding our joy, our spirit's contentment, our live's fulfillment . . .or we can deny ourselves all of this by living as slaves to time, to modern society's expectations upon our lives, and by forgetting to stop along our daily pathways to just be.

Just by being in our lives, we can heal many holes which can rip us apart.  We are not victims unless we allow ourselves to be defined that way.  We ...
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Remarkable Days

October 10, 2010
We know these days, the ones which each year stand out and become our most hoped for days!  I'll call them remarkable, but in truth, all of our days should be remarkable!  For us to not label our days this way, each and every one, we cheat ourselves of our precious time.  We have only what number we were promised when we were designed by our Father.  From our first to our last, we decide how and what becomes our legacy of days.
This day, 10/10/10 is only going to happen once.  We with our mor...
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Let the Fun Shine

October 10, 2010
Let your sun shine, let the fun shine . . . be your joyful self, let the joy within you out, let your inner child reign!

I realize that as adults, we are all inundated with adult dilemmas.  We are overcome by problems, situations, a world plagued by worries and doubts, troubles and tribulations.  Where does that leave us these days?  We are often unable to find our own sweet natural smiles.  How many days do we walk under a dark dreary cloud, not able to muster a smile, nor to enjoy our lives?...
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Modern Technology . . . Pratfalls and Stumbles

October 7, 2010
AY YI YI . . . that's where this story begins!  I am a proclaimed technophobe.  There is nothing which scares me more than the premise of this box called the computer and all the pratfalls and traps, stumbles and mistakes it enables me to make in the name of progress into the 21st century.  It is my nemesis, my friend, my companion, and my biggest black hole of uncertainty.  It breaks, I go nuts.  It breaks, I go nuts, and it breaks, I go nuts!

Today, after doing without the laptop for about a...
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You've Got Mail

October 5, 2010
A classic to me, that movie, "You've Got Mail".  I enjoy the interaction of the characters played by Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks.  It's romantic, simple and lovely.  Two people defy the odds of life, they fall in love despite themselves, with all their animous, they are "meant to be".  Are two people really meant to be?

Well, I guess that depends who you ask.  If you ask a romantic, positive-thinking person such as myself, then the answer is an unequivocable YES!  People aren't limited by love's ra...
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The Fabric of Our Lives

October 1, 2010
You've all heard this little jingle, at least in America, that the fabric of our live is cotton.  Well, I say, the fabric of our lives is love.  It has been and always will be the binding tie which connects us all.  We are all united by humanity, which is a byproduct of love.  Love is the seed of all creation, whether or not your birth can be a recognizable as the personification of something loving or a result of something less noble, such as an act of lust between two strangers, or even sci...
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Learning As I Go

September 30, 2010
Life's a series of lessons, learned as we live, not known beforehand.  They're sometimes scoldings, sometimes they are trophies, awards, and accolades for "jobs well done".  Mostly life lessons are an uncertainty, a way to evolve through the knowledge, discipline, experience, and time, which will all help to form the final form which makes up you.  Life is a way to become more than you started out being, and if you're fortunate, you take your lessons and make the later versions of "you" new a...
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The Sea of Life

September 28, 2010

Life is like a sea, sometimes we are on top of the waves, feeling like surfers tackling our problems and making headway with a big grin for all the success we feel. Other times, the waves are complacent little bobs of nothingness,which although still slight swellings responsible for some motion, which barely take us anywhere and we end up feeling stagnant, like we're stuck. Then every now and then, we get those tsunamis, sometimes even in clusters of multiples, which not only scare us, but ta...

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