Right Now . . .
Posted by Cheryl Ries on Monday, September 20, 2010 Under: Cheryl Ries, Blog
Right now in my life, I'm like an unfinished masterpiece. I was reminded today when looking at the infant niece of a friend, who is ill and facing heart surgery, that life's brevity is enough inspiration to constantly let yourself be shaped and formed! I whine too much. I moan and complain over such silly things. I know nothing of pain, nor enduring it, in comparison to that of a tiny little 2-month old baby fighting for hers!
When God gives you challenges, it should automatically make you rise up and put your suit of armor on. There shouldn't be any question about whether you are able, or even whether you have enough artillery to fight. Who cares! If you have a challenge, you are equipped, as you were made to make it through. We are not a sum of failed parts, but rather the realization of creation born of divine perfection. Even in our imperfection, our purposeful lives make us meaningful and anything but failures! So why is it, that when we reach a rough patch in our roads, we start to cower, not sure we are able to drive further? Shouldn't we just proceed, knowing that we are God's most armed fortresses, with the Holy Spirit dwelling inside, filled with all the inherent strength, bravery and knowledge we will need. We might not actually have the physical prowess, the actual bravado, nor the skills to know how to do something, but we have the best warrior we could ever hope to have, we have God in our corner!
So the very next time you encounter something, anything, even almost nothing, which challenges your ability to know what to do, or how to react, or which way to proceed, I challenge you to do what I have learned to do . . . ask God to help you! It's so simple. In every aspect of life, I keep my inner ear open to God's consult for direction. I don't consider anything to small nor too simple to call upon God for help. If you get in the habit of constantly making contact with God about life, as you are living, you will soon learn that He wants to be a part of everything you are, all that you do, and the totality of what you aspire to be!
Let go and let God is a saying not because it's catchy! It's a saying because others like you and I thought that somewhere along the journey we needed God. So we made a habit of asking Him to help us with even the most mundane, as even in our comings and our goings, we can be assured, God is interested in our reliance upon Him. He actually desires it. He wants us to trust in HIm and to grow dependent upon Him. It isn't being needy nor is it being strange, it is the way your Father wants things. So when you find yourself in need, give your cares to God. Even in ordinary daily stuff, give it to God and ask Him to make the most and best of everything you do and say today! Each day you rely on Him will be remarkably notable for its distinguishable calm, simple flow, and naturalness. In other words, relying on God allows you to live life according to His will and therefore to be in His care! You will probably notice a big difference when you give up control and let Him take over. Life is simple, trust in God to lead you in your journey, if you make a mistake along the way, you will find Him willing to help you make the mistake into something beneficial for you! God wants to bless you and love you if you'll give Him the chance!! Ask God to be your coach, your captain, your commander and your chief, let Him arm you for any battle, and trust that He will see you through anything, since He knows what you are going through! Have faith, don't give up the fight!
When God gives you challenges, it should automatically make you rise up and put your suit of armor on. There shouldn't be any question about whether you are able, or even whether you have enough artillery to fight. Who cares! If you have a challenge, you are equipped, as you were made to make it through. We are not a sum of failed parts, but rather the realization of creation born of divine perfection. Even in our imperfection, our purposeful lives make us meaningful and anything but failures! So why is it, that when we reach a rough patch in our roads, we start to cower, not sure we are able to drive further? Shouldn't we just proceed, knowing that we are God's most armed fortresses, with the Holy Spirit dwelling inside, filled with all the inherent strength, bravery and knowledge we will need. We might not actually have the physical prowess, the actual bravado, nor the skills to know how to do something, but we have the best warrior we could ever hope to have, we have God in our corner!
So the very next time you encounter something, anything, even almost nothing, which challenges your ability to know what to do, or how to react, or which way to proceed, I challenge you to do what I have learned to do . . . ask God to help you! It's so simple. In every aspect of life, I keep my inner ear open to God's consult for direction. I don't consider anything to small nor too simple to call upon God for help. If you get in the habit of constantly making contact with God about life, as you are living, you will soon learn that He wants to be a part of everything you are, all that you do, and the totality of what you aspire to be!
Let go and let God is a saying not because it's catchy! It's a saying because others like you and I thought that somewhere along the journey we needed God. So we made a habit of asking Him to help us with even the most mundane, as even in our comings and our goings, we can be assured, God is interested in our reliance upon Him. He actually desires it. He wants us to trust in HIm and to grow dependent upon Him. It isn't being needy nor is it being strange, it is the way your Father wants things. So when you find yourself in need, give your cares to God. Even in ordinary daily stuff, give it to God and ask Him to make the most and best of everything you do and say today! Each day you rely on Him will be remarkably notable for its distinguishable calm, simple flow, and naturalness. In other words, relying on God allows you to live life according to His will and therefore to be in His care! You will probably notice a big difference when you give up control and let Him take over. Life is simple, trust in God to lead you in your journey, if you make a mistake along the way, you will find Him willing to help you make the mistake into something beneficial for you! God wants to bless you and love you if you'll give Him the chance!! Ask God to be your coach, your captain, your commander and your chief, let Him arm you for any battle, and trust that He will see you through anything, since He knows what you are going through! Have faith, don't give up the fight!
In : Cheryl Ries, Blog
Tags: inspiration masterpiece challenges creation strength holy spirit trust faith battle