I'll be frank here, dreaming is always in competition with my more practical side, the realistic side which screams, "Don't you open up your heart to those foolish dreams, you're just asking for trouble!" I've admittedly been broken down, busted apart and found myself wondering why I ever dared to dream when they pan out and fall to pieces. I've always gotten back up, stepped back into my "fantasy", and hoped all over again. The true nature of a positive thinker is optimism, but also the very personification of that optimism, is in the ability to re-form visions, to dare to dream again!
Living in this most arduous world today requires great faith. We are bombarded with realism. It's not that everything we contend with is in fact new, but we didn't actually hear about it every second of every day before. We literally hear about the world's issues 24/7, through our tv's, our internet services, our phones, our friends, our constant communication! It's true that our world can crush our dreams. We must learn to rise above the heartbreak, the disappointments, the devastations, the anxieties, the traumas, and all the dramas which play out each day upon our senses! Learn to filter for the preservation of your own sanity, but also to encourage the nurturing of your dreams! They need bright light to grow to maturation, not the dimness of futility and despair!
Bring your heart along for the ride, let your imagination guide you and direct you. All ideas are yours from Divine providence, so you should be encouraged to believe that each and every idea fostered inside your imagination has merit, has possibility, and has great chance for success! Don't let anything deter your dreams from living full, healthy, complete lives. Let your dreams develop from their infancy as little seeds, born inside your thoughts, to full-fledged accomplishments, which you mark upon your checklist of lifetime significance. Believe in the dream and believe in you!
In : Cheryl Ries, Blog
positive thinking