Cheryl Ries

Picture Gallery                                  


Sometimes, dreams take us high in the sky . . . above is my adventure in soaring over the desert with my great friend Lisa and my mom; to the right is a photo of my helicopter follies, or as I like to call this, "Audition for Traffic Reporter"!   

Better to swim with dolphins than with sharks . . . dolphins give you a good ride! 

I have great friends, Lisa, whom I am with in the photo above, as well as Pat and Ray in the pic to the right.

My cousin Susan, she helped with my business website, designing the logo and the banner for our page!  She is an absolute treasure, like another sister to me!

My parents, the evidence I had that love is absolutely possible, probable and positive!  They had an amazing life of love, family, and faith.  I cannot thank God enough for this blessing!  Oh, and that's our Arabian, Tommy. 

And below, is a dear friend Laurel, who truly supports me . . even long distance! Here she is with one of my recent books, "That's Amore!". I truly appreciate her support and friendship! She has a lovely butterfly garden in which to partake of all things relaxing and refreshing.


Here I am above, with some dear friends who share the same birthday month! Pat on my right and Sharry, on my left. I have known Sharry since we were young kids! Friends = Love  And below, two truly long-time friends, whom I have known for over 25 years now! Cheryl and Mary joining with me in some laughter over lunch!

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